You were our first "baby". We brought you home when we did not have any children and you were our practice run, so to speak. People always say, you should get a puppy before you have kids so you can ease into it.
We had you for 9 years, and you have been through many moves with us, local and cross country- never "batting an eye" and always happy to be part of it all. You were there when we brought home Jake and Owen and you always have been a loyal companion. We never had to worry about the kids as babies around you. You were gentile to them, and over the years, you were climbed on, stepped on, pulled, whatever, and you never reacted.
You never once ran away and even when Rob took Jake for a bike ride in the neighborhood- you wanted to follow- Rob told you to "stay and go home" and what did you do- stopped, turned around and came back to me. Through the years, we had to endure some noxious smells, your talking/whining when you wanted attention, but that is all apart of the give and take of dog ownership.
Rob always said you made him feel better when Jake was a newborn and he had to care for him alone the nights I worked- he said there was always comfort in knowing that he was not completely alone- and that you were there when Rob wasn't quite sure what to do those first few months of Jake's life.
I always felt comforted when Rob worked nights and I was home alone with the kids for those years, that you were there with me- I knew if something happened you would protect us. ( this was proved by the one time a "lawn man" came to our door when I was here alone and you growled at him- the first and last time I ever heard ANY aggression from you).
We could always count on you looking out the window when we would leave, as if to say "goodbye" in your way.
When we would come home from being out, you would always be there at the back door, waiting and excited to see us.
In the last few months, especially after your eye surgery- we knew our time would be limited. You were not running or playing much anymore- every now and then you would surprise us by running and "doing laps" -but for a very short time. You wouldn't come to the door much anymore, and sometimes you wouldn't even get up when we left or came back. We knew.
It would be difficult to go up the stairs and some nights after we put the kids to bed- you would stay up there for the ease and take your time down.
We hope that you had a great last day- riding in the car with the windows down and the sunroof open going for an extended ride, getting to sit outside at a Starbucks- the three of us- like we use to do- and enjoy the whip cream off of our coffee.
We hope we gave you a good life, Jo.
We will miss you Jo and the joy and companionship that you brought to our family.