Saturday, May 29, 2010
Lacking some sleep....
Ok- so my last writing in my post wasn't quite clear and "grammatically challenged". I have been living on 5 hours of sleep so bear with me.....
Friday, May 28, 2010
Phase I completed- now, on to Phase II
Well here is our new little rental place- In some ways we are looking forward to "just living".
For so long, we were consumed with showing our house, having it for sale, having strangers coming through, preparing for strangers coming through, leaving for 2-3 hours at a time, with 2 small children, and sometimes a dog- it has been nuts. We are really wanting to do all of this if we were willing to put up with all the bullshit that came along with it.
Now, that phase I is over, it is on to the next. We are going to be enjoying things a little more, and what we do next is all up to us- and not relying or waiting for someone to make it happen-
I think that was the worse, having things out of our control- and for me that is hard, naturally, I am a control freak- but I am learning to let some things go........
Catch up Photos
The month of May has been hectic !! We have celebrated so much this month- we got an offer on the house, our 13 year wedding anniversary, mother's day, the garage sale, Jake "graduating" from preschool, the move and closing of the house and our move to a rental apt. YIKES- no wonder why I am tired!!!
Anyhow- here are some recent pics-
I hope they are self explanatory!!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
We LOVE Starbucks.......

I should buy stock in this place...... maybe that is something to look into ....... Anyhow- we needed
(me and Rob- no kids ; ) needed a little pick me up- the boys are enjoying chocolate milk- old school style- with milk and added chocolate
Oh, and in the jar is "Rockstar" our pet lady bug that Jake brought home from school for a project- we had him in his little habitat and then we set him free- his name was Rockstar ( per Jake) and he was cool!
What we have been up to
Well, well, well
This is the first time in some time, I have been able to get on and actually put some pictures on the blog I have many to share- but all in due time......
We have been very busy here- we sold the house and had about 3 weeks until the buyers needed to move in- so here we are- 5 days before the closing and everything is in boxes, in the garage or almost in boxes
We had a very lucrative Garage sale and was able to recycle many of our unwanted things and lightened our load....
Prior to the sale, though we took a few weeks to paint, and we even had a stager come in and suggest paint, placing of furniture and voila, the home sold in 1 day!!!
Not sure if it was the stager, the lowered price of the home, just timing, or the way it was suppose to work out- Never the less, we are very happy to moving this process along.
We call this "phase one"
Monday, May 10, 2010
ok, ok, I am a little tired
OK, I have to say, I planned on posting some pics last night- but you would not believe what happened.
It was the end of a long day of sorting, purging, pricing and packing- my thought was that I would sit at the computer, download some recent pics of the house and all the recent changes.....
I got as far as plugging cable into the computer and turning on the camera, getting ready for download.....
I woke up 20 minutes later, with my head, my actual head, laying on the keyboard I have never done that before, I fell asleep at my computer. It was time for bed.
It was the end of a long day of sorting, purging, pricing and packing- my thought was that I would sit at the computer, download some recent pics of the house and all the recent changes.....
I got as far as plugging cable into the computer and turning on the camera, getting ready for download.....
I woke up 20 minutes later, with my head, my actual head, laying on the keyboard I have never done that before, I fell asleep at my computer. It was time for bed.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Is the third time the charm??
Well, I guess we will find out......
We have finally done it- and it will all be documented right here, very soon...... I am holding back a little, as I am superstitious about some things......
I will be posting some pictures later tomorrow afternoon--- central time------ so come back and visit and check often----- I will be updating the recent activities for our family---- it is an exciting time for sure ; )
We have finally done it- and it will all be documented right here, very soon...... I am holding back a little, as I am superstitious about some things......
I will be posting some pictures later tomorrow afternoon--- central time------ so come back and visit and check often----- I will be updating the recent activities for our family---- it is an exciting time for sure ; )
Thursday, May 6, 2010
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