We are settling into the rental as much as we want to.
I had my first day off of my new work schedule, and even though I filled it with stuff I needed to get done, I have to say, it was so nice having a day off from work to spend time with the kids.
It was also very nice, knowing for now, this is how it will be each week and the best part is, I only return for 1 day, and then it is the weekend!!
We have been busy here- O received a big boy bed- we were going to use the other bunk bed, but, we decided rather than buying a mattress, which we would need to do, we decided to buy a toddler bed due to the space. Their room, which they are sharing ( which they tell me they really like to do) is a little tight- and I could see it now, O, being 2 and rambunctious and daring- he would be on the top bunk- jumping- so for now, we ended up getting his own Toy Story bed- he loves " Woody" and "Buzz" so it works
Then, J, learned how to ride his bike without training wheels. He is SOOOO proud!! He really likes riding his bike- and it only took him a couple of times to get it all by himself.
I am planning taking some pics this weekend and getting back into that- especially, now since we are not sure how long we will be here. The weather has been nice ( except today- it is raining) and so I am hoping to get out this weekend to some of the parks.