I confess, I love it.
It is my happy juice.
When I haven't had it in awhile- I get bummed.
That means, there is a problem......
I love Starbucks- I should really buy stock in the place
I love that they know my drink and I don't even have to say what I want
I love, that I have a summer brew--** Double Venti no whip mocha frappaccino **
and a winter brew-- ** Venti Hot Mocha **
I also like to change it up from time to time and order an Iced Venti non fat, no whip mocha
or a Double Venti Java chip Mocha
I also like collecting the starbucks cards......... I have a great idea to make something out of them when I have enough that involves the cards and epoxy....... ( so send them my way, once they are used and you do not need them anymore)
I love their mugs and their green straws
oh, and I really love their Christmas cups.........
I think I am a little off.......
Off my coffee, that is , better filler up!!!!