I have not posted in some time. Partly, because I was having camera issues, and the other part- I was having time issues - haha!
Well- I got a new camera that I have been playing with and trying to figure out- I ended up with a Kodak- it was on sale and I got a pretty good deal....
I still have many pictures to share, which I will, once I get these pictures off the other camera.
We have been busy here as usual.... J is having fun playing on the monkey bars at his school and also at the park. He is so proud he can do it..... he thinks he can also hang off furniture doors, cupboard doors, counters..... we have to remind him about not doing that on those things ahhhh the joys.....
O has been doing well- he is such a big boy now, transitioning to the preschool class part time now that he is potty trained!!!! We are thinking he may allergies, he has been coughing, and I have needed to give him his inhaler...... He is not acting sick, but the cough is what I am concerned about.
We went to Papago park a couple weeks ago (pictures to come) and O was climbing and trying to do all the things J was doing... making me a little nervous, since he is not as steady He keeps up well though.
He is so easy going! Well here are some pics just from this past week- enjoy
the weather has been a little cool for these parts, and we got a wonderful rainstorm last night-
Rob and I were watching "Due Date" and we heard the rain......