We are getting really excited about moving.....
Today was a such a busy, but productive day! I took my camera to the house, but snap, I forgot to take pictures- we are going over there again tomorrow- so I will take some pics then and post
It feels so good to sort, purge, recycle, donate and give away.... I have a tendency to hold onto things and I really need to simplify... but that goes against how I was raised and my natural tendency I like things.... I can't help it- but over the past 2-3 years I have learned to let go.... Always a work in progress
This new place of ours is not huge and storage will be at a premium, but that is ok- I need to get use to it
This new place has a small but very cute backyard and I am excited - it has a little planter box and I may just plant tomatoes.... not sure if I will get in on that too late though.... E told me I better hurry and get them planted Our new landlord even planted 3 roses for me- how nice!!!
well here are some recent Easter pics and fun I will add more tomorrow of the new place!