I do a lot of blog reading in my spare time..... over the years I have bookmarked my favorites and many times, I surf from blog to blog. When I find one I enjoy reading, or there is some shared interests, I return to them.
I have come across a recent entry of a blog I follow, which of course, sent me to another blog and link. This was about being an introvert vs an extrovert. I have come to the conclusion, that I am most definately an introvert, as is also my "partner in crime". It is so obvious and explains a lot to me. I have heard of this term, but never, really would consider labeling this as myself. I came across a link of another blog- that had an interesting list of myths related to being an introvert...
I thought I would share, and there was also a book I may have to read called "The Introvert Advantage in an Extrovert World by Marti Olsen Laney....... Looks like I am going to try and reserve this from the library ; )
It is so funny when you read some type of writing on personality traits and you can totally agree or identify with them what is true in yourself. I have to say, as an introvert, I do need to recharge, be in my home, have my down time, or I feel not rested. I am not one of these people that can go from one activity to the next, or fill my weekends with this, that and the other. If I do not get that time- then something is missing, I feel not rested, rushed and get cranky- it is wild. That is why Sundays to me- are sacred!!! I do not have many friends, and the ones I do have I can count on one hand.
I enjoy when I learn something that I have know about myself for a long time, just never knew what it was called or aware of it's label. Self discovery, it is great!!