Ok, so that title has been my life now for the past several weeks.... I feel like there is just not enough time in the day to get all that I want to get done
Rob and I have been in so many directions lately and our schedule has changed recently..... we are just trying to adjust.
Anyhow, the blog has been put on the back burner, but not now
For Jake's birthday Grandma and Grandpa Gus came into town and so we had a fun weekend last week. I am posting some pics now of the boys from last week and for Jake's actual birthday that we celebrated, just the four of us.
Our oldest is 4 now and it seems like it was just yesterday that he was born. It seems the older we get, the faster time flies. Maybe it is that we are just busier???? There are certain aspects of our life that seem to take FOREVER and then when we look at the kids, they are growing up way too fast!
Enjoy these - I will be posting more this weekend of the party and of Easter.
Ok, I have to explain some of the above pics- Owen is growing into his "own" He, we believe, we be athletic and more daring than Jake ever was. He has done many more physical things way before Jake ever did- not sure if this is because he has someone he can emulate, or if that is just him. It is soooo cool to see their different personalities and it is amazing how different they are and that they are brothers! Owen has recently been saying his version of "cheese" when a camera is pointed in his direction. He doesn't say much so far, a few words and lots of babble- truck is "guck", Spongebob is "bop", and he says mama and dada, and we think we heard him say "whats this"
He DEFINATELY understands what you are saying and telling him and does things when we ask- so I know he "gets it". He is also a little instigator, by doing things he knows he shouldn't, and then looking at you, with those blue eyes, and seeing your response! ( and then smiling or laughing)
Our hands will be full!!!
Jake, well, he totally is enjoying being 4 and had told everyone that it was his birthday- We took him to Red Robin the night of his birthday and met Grandpa and Grandma R there, where they sang "Happy Birthday"
Everyone at his daycare knew where he was going that night for dinner!!!
He still enjoys being the "big boy" and being the older brother, but there are days, when, I wonder, who is older, Jake or Owen?????
He got a new bike for his birthday, a "really rad" , green, Tony Hawk one with training wheels- I have to say it is pretty cool for a 4 yr old- Pictures to come!
This is our life and it is great!
Well said ..... love 'da boyz'.... know fully how 'FULL' your days are! Takes all you got & you and Rob have the 'right stuff' to to wrangle in these two little cherubs :) So cute and so busy, sunny Az.Kisses, Granny Gus.
Kids birthdays are fun times. We surely enjoyed Red Robin. Jake was so surprised when they came to sing Happy Birthday to him. He heard them sing to someone else. I think he was truly surprised.
Grandma R
Owen is surely a cutie. He certainly wants to do what Jake is doing. He just wants to be one of the big boys!
Grandma R
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