It seems like it is the "trendy" thing to be Green and reduce, reuse, and recycle.
I have always been into it-- I may not have always practiced it, but in the last few years, I have tried to improve on it and am getting better. There is always room for improvement, that is for sure!
I even made a video for my Environmental Science class in high school when I was a junior- Myself and another girl made the video, it was shown in class and was quite embarrassing. We showcased the recycling center in my hometown, the grocery store where I worked- and what to avoid when purchasing products and food, as far as packaging. We even videotaped my parents garage and all the different bins they put their recycling in.
We also went out to Spencer Park, where they had the alleged toxic waste dump!!!! Riveting reporting!! Ha-ha!!
We were way ahead of our time- and now, it seems like it is all the rage- But, this is a GOOD thing!!
The video was kind of a train wreck, and an actress or reporter, I am not! I still have the video on VHS!! Funny, eh?
One of my pet peeves, since I can remember, is someone littering from the car.
Growing up, in the 70's and 80's, it was not uncommon to see people throwing pop cans or trash out the window, while they were driving down the road. I always hated that. I still see it today, but definitely not as much.
I have never thrown trash out of the car, except for maybe gum, and the occasional beer or liquor bottle while "country cruising" as a very dumb, carefree, young adult, but that is a whole other story......
Anyhow, it has always bothered me to see litter or trash on the side of the road, parks etc.
While Rob and I hiked at South Mountain, I would always see him pick up people's water bottles, or trash that they would leave there. It amazed me that people who would hike, walk, or mountain bike, would just trash the very place they enjoyed. Crazy isn't it??
I am glad that recycling is cool, sheik and is "in". We all can do so much more! Enjoy the beautiful GREEN of Mother Earth!
I sure do remember your video days.
Yes, I felt the same sadness shelling on the beach in Playa Dorada this Memorial Day .... there is much garbage that 'washes up'... I carry one bag for my shell treasures:) and another for the garbage:( Just taking care of our world bit by bit.
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