This pretty much sums up the fair experience 2009- They loved it - and they enjoyed all the toys and food they could eat. The fair itself is pretty much a money sucker, but the boys really had a good time - they rode the car ride twice, Jake hopped in the bouncy house, and also rode the Dragon roller coaster. Jake got to play the "duck game" a few times and he was able to pick out some really high quality toys for himself and Owen... Not to mention, they ate corn dogs, ice cream, lemonade, elephant ears, and shish kabobs.
Jake was allowed to pick out a toy and he picked out a plastic Ak47- I guess we are starting him young... Meanwhile, Owen picked out a bag of horses- all different colors- There was no way, I wanted Owen to have a gun at the age of 1, 4 years is acceptable though- ; ) ( Not really)
I also never experienced something, this year too. In the women's bathroom they actually had a female "traffic controller". She directed everyone as you walked in on which stall to use and her job was, I guess to keep the lines moving. The stalls were even numbered, so she could you tell you which one to go to. She also had burning incense and a tip jar. What a racket, this lady had. It reminded me many years ago, of the bathroom at Crobar, in Chicago, although, this woman, I don't think was a transvestite.
All in all, the fair lived up to it's usual grandeur- great food, variety of things to do, and always interesting people watching.
Oh my goooood, look at those faces! You take me back .... always loved the fair, right Rob??? .... every year we were out there enjoying the rides, great decadent food, events and competitions, horses/races, someone getting lost, wasting $$$, Tom showing us Durst gear boxes in the farm equipment,remember the bull getting loose and charging into the crowd of spectators ambling up the walk/road? and the egg toss contest, burlap races, scout dunk tank .... even won a few ribbons myself! Wow, a wonderful slice of life .... our fair in the desert pales to Boone County Fair.
Cute pictures!!! The ice cream was great!!
Just heading to the pool .... saw your folks and Madi yesterday at the pool .... getting one last splash before packing yesterday and leaving today. Safe travel to them. Madi is a wonderful little girl, enjoyed her tremendously. Got a stack of your mags from your mom to keep me entertained while driving to NM today:) Love you all & Az. kisses.
Wow, I bet they had fun at the fair. It was always a fun place to go.
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