Here is my vice...... Starbucks!
I am fully addicted... I'll admit- this will be hard, but I am going to give this up- a little.
Part of my new year goals is eating healthier, being more active, and overall, overhauling my diet to organic and more 'whole foods'. Rob and I watched "Food Inc" It was disgusting- it really made us want to cut out certain foods all together - but we will make some changes little by little. ( I am a little hesitant to say what these foods are- if you have seen this - you will know why) If you have not - I encourage you to rent the movie. Overall, we WILL be having a garden this year, we will be going to the farmers market every week, I am buying organic and I will seek out local farmers here......
Back to the Starbucks- this is a harder vice to cut back- but hey, it could be worse, I don't smoke and I rarely drink so that has been my justification. Not to mention, the $ I will save!!! My goal is to cut this to 2-6 times per month- trying to keep it to Sunday mornings and the occasional Saturday.
With all the money I will save cutting this out- I can afford organic food ; )
Next, Rob and I will be watching "Sicko" another great, uplifting document about the way our government has allowed large corporate businesses to screw people........ Have a Great day!
I know .... I drink a chai tea latte every AM while online .... all sugar & I enjoy every sip!! But when it is gone I will not buy more & will indulge only when at a Starbucks which is not often for me. 'Food, Inc' is an education ... we are taking little steps, a day at a time is a challenge .... I'll cheer you on in your 30's you are way ahead of the game :)
Hi Pam,
Two blogs??? Your little guys are beautiful. I am certain everyone tells you how fast the time goes..believe...and enjoy every moment. Georgia Lichon/geogems
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