We are here finally in Arizona- what a journey to get here.... things just fell into place.... very quickly
We were a traveling caravan- R driving the truck, me following with the kids, and Grandpa following in our second car....
After being gone for almost 5 years, it is pretty much the same as it was. The cool part is, I know where I am going and am familiar with the area so it is kind of like stepping into our past lives...
Getting here, was it's own adventure- after having truck issues- which ended up being 2 bad batteries, we were finally on our way out- then , in New Mexico, after leaving our hotel, R had a 'brake pressure light' come on with some alarm- this didn't last, but sure made me nervous.
He assured me that the brakes were working fine, the alarm and warning light went off, so we carried on- all I could think about is driving down to Phx from Flagstaff
After the driving down from Flag, the truck started to overheat- no alarms- just the truck temp up to 225 ( it had been 180- 200 the most during the trip) so R, turned the air off, the heat on, and with the windows down, drove down I17 t0 I10 into 115 degree weather!!!
The kids did very well- O, was the best- he played in his car seat, they had their doodle pads and their view masters, J, on the other hand, a little more antsy, but he also did pretty well considering the long drive. They usually slept after lunch, so I was able to have a little quiet during that time.
I enjoyed my Jack Johnson music ( I recommend his latest) and imagined myself at his concert coming up in October!!!
All in all, we are happy to have made it here safely- and thankfully Grandpa G, drove our other vehicle with us!!!
We are unpacking slowly, trying to get use to the 2 hour time change, the heat, and the new place- So far, we only had one thing break- it was one glass- not bad!!!!
PS- a trip wouldn't be a trip without making the kids put on some fur cap, and take their picture, right??