Tonight on our way up to G and G Gus- we drove through a dust storm, some giant rain drops and then a rainbow on the other side.
The monsoon is here and with it are some cool looking lightening.
We celebrated the end of my birthday week with cake and ice cream and
the boys got to see Grandma and Grandpa G's house- J hasn't been there since he was a baby, and O, has never been there before.....
I read a really cool quote this week and it really spoke to me---
"Always take responsibility for your own happiness"
This is SOOOO true- and so simple! I guess what it says to me is to not let anyone or any thing ruin or control your happiness
There has been so many changes recently and now, I feel like I can relax for the first time in a long time. Not that I really can relax- I have goals, and the kids have needs, and we still have our day to day routines, but I feel like I can relax in a way that I can just have fun and I guess relax is equal to happiness....
It must be the sun, and all of the extra vitamin D I am getting - LOL- but I am really excited about this time and even though, I turned 37 ( which when I think about it, seesm old) I am really excited- Maybe it is the heat- you know, the low for last night was 92...
Also- I found out some great news- one of the benefits of where I work is a free gym membership for me and anyone in my immediate family!!!! We have a gym here, but that will not always be the case.... but if we go 4 times a month- we can earn $100 each - what an incentive!!!
Enjoy some recent pics and will be putting more up of our recent adventures later this weekend
1 comment:
Great fun having you and 'da boyz', if I could 'purr' I would!
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