Wow- what a great weekend- the weather has been great- 70's, sunny with a little breeze.
This month is winding down, and can't believe how fast it went!! We went out to the far east valley this weekend to Gold Canyon ( yes, the place where the candles came from) and went to the Renaissance Festival with the boys
It was fun and I loved seeing "all the characters" there
The boys took it all in and O, was a little overwhelmed at first looking around the artisan market, the music, and the people dressed up and talking to them- in their 'renaissance way'
I particularly enjoyed being called " my lady" LOL
Today, we are recuperating from the walking, fresh air and the sun and taking it easy ~
Enjoy ~
Well My Lady.. That looked like a fun time.
Cute little 'knights in helmets' & YEP definitely a 'Maxine pose' going on there :)
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