I found this picture of O when he was a newborn. It seemed like he has always done things early. It is like he knows.
This look on his face tells me, that he knows- it is kind of a little smirk of a smile and I think he was only 4 -6 weeks old!!!!!
He's talking pretty well now, but it can be very soft spoken. Then all of a sudden, all this personality comes out - out of the blue. He is an observer and I think all of this time, he was taking everything in.
We are TRYING to potty train him. He isn't really interested. In order for him to go to preschool- the next phase, he must be potty trained. So we are working with the school to help us- he is wearing underwear during the day and not enjoying making a mess of them.
Last night, he was in underwear and in the span of an hour and a half, he had 2 potty accidents. Needless to say we have towels everywhere and hoping we can move out of the pull up phase- at least during the day.......then we ran out of clean underwear.....
I think I am going to have to get more underwear for home since most of it is at school...... maybe I will let him pick out what he wants.......At times, I miss having a baby..... but I wish he would be potty trained....they say boys are harder than girls....... Wish us Luck!!!
All of a sudden he will get it!
It is his power ... when he is ready it will be easy. Borrow someone's baby to get your 'baby fix', so much fun & a nice break for the mommy :) Happy Friday & celebrating my 'potty training days' long over .... a frustrating time :(
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