I spent the day today spending some one on one time with our youngest.
O was so excited when I told him we were going to the Sea Live aquarium, he kept saying how he wanted to see the sharks, oh, and Sponge Bob.
He was certain Sponge Bob and Patrick were going to be there. He even asked about Gary.
If those of you do not know who these names are, I dare you to "Google" them, or "Wikipedia" them and it would be interesting to see what you find out about them.
I was really just glad to have a day with O, just him and I together.
After the sea life aquarium, I took him to lunch to the Rainforest Cafe- where at first, I thought, the loud elephant sounds, thunder and lightening might scare him, but then realized, he was in awe.
We started out the morning right, with a stop at Starbucks. I asked O if he wanted to get a chocolate milk and he said " yes, I get a chocolate milk and you get a coffee"- oh, he knows me so well ; )
Anyhow- we went to the aquarium, and unfortunately, some of the pics are hard to see, since they did not allow flash photography ( I did sneak in a couple pics with the flash). Apparently, the flash harms the fish??? ( it lowers their immune system)
Anyhow, I was really excited to see the sea horses. Ever since I was little, I have been a little fascinated by Seahorses. They are so prehistoric looking, yet really cute- kind of a weird combo. They are just really cool to look at- and at this place, they had red ones, black ones and yellow/clear ones.
There was a really cool Octopus, sharks, stingrays, and the other really cool display was the jelly fish- they glowed and you can kind of tell in the pics.
The last exhibit, you walked in a tunnel on glass over an aquarium. The same aquarium was on both sides of you as well as, above you. There were all kinds of colorful tropical fish and sharks.
It was a lot of fun.
I had a great day with O. Time for me to return to work next week and I feel like these last 2 weeks, I have been able to spend some good time with my kids and rest up.
I love the seahorses too .... I googled them a long time ago because we have seen them in the Sea of Cortez ..... I believe they are monogomous/several species/and the male carries& harvests the eggs after the female plants them. I should go back & brush up on my memory .... and Yes, Rob got stung by a jellyfish in Chesapeake Bay when he was about 10. I had no idea there was a great aquarium here .... what a delightfully special time .... too fun :)
I too was fascinated with seahorses when I was a kid and maybe now. Those are really good pictures. Owen looks like he had a really good time.
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