Wow the boys in this photo look like bruisers!!! I love it! They just got their haircut and had colored gel put in their hair. J picked out blue and O chose purple! O wanted a 'mohawk' so we opted for a "fau-hawk" instead!!!
We went to the pool - the kids are getting ready for their lessons- Ever since J fell in Aunt E's pool- I think he is a little scared- but today he actually kicked his legs while holding onto the wall- baby steps for him- We waited WAY too long for the lessons- so that is why, O will be having them too!
still unpacking and working on purging- didn't do a whole lot today- but I am getting a 2nd wind- so I am ready to tackle the garage!! Now- I need to get the craft space/office done- it is a mess!!!
OMG .... too cute!
Owen looks like Tom in that picture.
Funny, when I look at those boys standing with Rob, I see Rob & Pam ... Jake/Rob & Owen/Pam ... I think you duplicated yourselves :)
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