Summer is here by the thermometers..... 113 yesterday. Quite frankly, 105 and under, to me is really no different than hot and humid 85 back in the midwest and 90's here are easy. When it gets over 105.... then the OVEN is on!!!
We bought a slip and slide and have been going to the pool which is around the corner so we have our way to cool off....... Boys are still scared..... couldn't get the Saturday lessons, so that only left after work lessons- so it is what it is- but if we are going to have a pool..... then they need to know how to swim. They need to know how to swim anyway ; )
We have been enjoying berries now that they are in season and I even made Father's Day cupcakes....... for the boys ( big boys and little boys)
It's like the Food Network when the Barefoot Contessa is in her 'test kitchen' & takes photos of her 'art'! YUMMO, mmmmm.
Looks pretty yummy! Looks like the boys are having fun.
Nice Pictures, The berries look awesome. Slip sliden' away...
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