Saturday, November 6, 2010

Our little Trick or Treaters.....

This post is a little behind- but we have had quite a busy week!!!

It started with Halloween on Sunday, I started a new job and a new schedule, there was Rob's birthday during the middle of the week and I felt so bad for him, he had pneumonia on top of all of that.
Needless to say, things are quieting down a little and I have a few moments tonight before bed to put some pics up of our little guys for Halloween.

This year, we went to my sister's hood' since we are renting and not really sure if there would be anything going on here......

They had a blast and Grandpa and Grandma G came down for all of the fun!!!!


Granny Gus said...

Girl, you need to get more sleep! Look what time you posted. Love your family .... it's a joy to have you back!!

pam said...

it is 2 hours ahead the posts..... getting up at 5 am, I couldn't make it until 2 am!!!!

lattegram said...

I love Ironman and Woody!

Granny Gus said...

Love the new tie dye look ....and our fav song 'It's A Wonderful World' sung by Louie was playing .... doesn't get better for us/our amazing grandsons' pics and Louie singing! LOVE LOVE LOVE :)

Paula said...

Great Pictures, the costumes are cute. We have been on a Toy Story kick at our house lately!! Watching the second and 3rd one over and over again!! Also love your new background!!