Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

A brand new Big Wheel of his very own!!!!!
J so excited to be trying out his new skateboard from Santa Claus!

O helping Spankie with his stocking.......

At Grandma and Grandpa G's house

At Grandma and Grandpa R's place

Zoolights - Phx Zoo

Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope it was a great Christmas for all and I hope this coming year will be healthy, happy and prosperous!!
This past year was so crazy, I decided this year to not write a Christmas letter with our cards. I would rather move on, and not relive this past year's crazy....... haha!!!

So here are some pics from this past week and of course Christmas. Starting in January, I will be posting a regular picture from my day- it will be either here- or on Snibbles- so check back often in the New Year. One of my goals, is to get back to my photography of nature and my surroundings. I will strive for a daily picture to post, may not always happen but I will try. I must get back to some creativity. I did receive a Cricut from my parents for Christmas- and I am excited about that too- to get back to my love of scrapbooking and cards.........


Paula said...

Looks like fun times. I wanted to take the kids to the zoo lights at the Chicago Zoo....we never made it. O'well their is always next year.

Granny Gus said...

Santa is pure magic ......happy in Az. Great parents our grandsons have :)