Saturday, August 20, 2011

I love my boys

this is what O has been doing when the camera comes out lately
getting sprayed by his Aunt Eileen : ) he enjoyed it!
Zoyo- the place to go for frozen yogurt
Rob Downtown- at our old stomping grounds- which now just has Starbucks and restaurants
These "stuffies" were laid out on the couch- the boys needed to donate some of them to other kids who would love them as much as they did- they were "taking over"their room, so they picked their faves- and there were no tears ( which I was surprised about)

The boys are loving summer, their swimming lessons and getting back to the regular school year!!

The heat is getting a little old for Rob and I ( not so much the kids) but the end will be here soon.... we are going to the pool and the boys are enjoying their lessons- that I will be continuing these thru the year as long as they are offered.

J and I went swimming in the pool at my sister's house, and it was really warm outside- I had been cleaning and then we went over there- anyways- it kind of sealed the deal for me- to definitely get a house with a pool- after we got out- we were cold in her house!!!! I was shivering- that cooled me down the rest of the night!!!

O did really well today at his lessons... he ended up going "to the purple wall" which was walking in the pool across the way a little- he has refused to go in previous lessons- but today he did that and also jumped in the pool twice!! There was a little incentive in it for him- we do not typically bribe our kids- but we did a little today- since up until this point he wasn't doing all the things the class was doing. I guess a little promise of something doesn't hurt.........

Oh well- they both leave the pool having fun and telling us what they did- O even said next time he was going "to swim across and go down the slide" I am not sure that will happen, but hey, he is excited to go, so that is all that is important!!!

Here are some recent pics of the boys and what they have been up to!!!


lattegram said...

Love the pictures!

Granny Gus said...

Whatever it takes .... learning to swim is vital here in the valley especially :)