Monday, December 29, 2014

Pre new year planning!!!

It is almost the new year and I always like to set some goals.....

I have some time before I start my new job to get a few things done and do some planning..

I always make a book list...this year was better, I read about 10 books this past year.    In 2015, I have a longer list....some that carried over....

First and foremost is to get back to work and save some money!!! I have a savings goal and would love to meet that

Hiking.... hiking and more hiking!!!   It has been a little cool, but I am going to start with the boys tomorrow and get on this before the 1st!

Scrapbook and cross stitch.... (knitting- if I can get the hang of this) is also my plan...and less t.v.   although I really do not watch much of this as it is.....

So today, started to take the decorations down and put away..... I'm ready for the new year, since the end of 2014 has been kind of crappy!!    Here are some recent pics!!

1 comment:

Granny Gus said...

The Dudes .... love their zipper activewear jackets .... Gramma's smiling