Friday, March 27, 2009

Here is an update. Jo had her surgery- she is doing pretty well. She looks like she is "winking" at you. She looks so pitiful- I feel really bad for her. She is not a youngin' anymore.

She is on antibiotics and she has pain medicine. She has to have this "e collar" on until the stitches come out. They did send her eye to pathology, so hopefully, we will get an answer as to why this happened.

Otherwise, we are all healing here- we have all been sick, in some way or another. The last 3 weeks have really been bad- so here's to Friday and to, hopefully, all of us feeling better!


Granny Gus said...

You are the 'family that shares' .... time for happy healing :) Sending warm Az hugs & kisses XOXOXO

Paula said...

It's a Party Hat just like Scooter had!! :)