Sunday, December 6, 2009

A lot going on....

There has been so much going on here.... too many things to do, the holidays, the kids sick at different times, work, home stuff , the list goes on and on..... I am way overdue at putting pics up - so here are just a few- and I will try and be more diligent about updating!!

Trying to get the shopping done for Christmas..... thinking about whether I should make cards this year, should I include a Christmas letter, and also trying to decide what to make for cookies....

We put up lights in the boys room- they love it- will post later with those and then of course we have so many lights everywhere else. I didn't have as much "decor" up since I unloaded alot this past year- which I am glad!!!

Here are some pics from Thanksgiving, the Christmas train and some other stuff- so ENJOY!


lattegram said...

Sure enjoyed the pictures. Sure miss the kids. Give them each a hug and kiss for Grandpa and Grandma.

Unknown said...

Love them .... what is Christmas without 'crazy'?? I can tell Jake feels punk in his photo with his Turkey dinner ... Priceless the two of them up against the wall .... it looks like a 'line-up shot' A pair of 'bandidos'!!!! Az. Kisses.

Granny Gus said...

Guess at 37 John still keeps me on my toes!!! His comment was REALLY from Granny Gus .... he was online Thanksgiving Day & 'messed'HAHA!

lattegram said...

look how they are both standing on the side of their feet!

Paula said...

Cute Pictures!!