Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sunday morning coffee, shoes and kids......

well- we had such a productive weekend ...... I am down to unpacking, and am at the point of hanging pictures on the walls...... I still have some things to go through, organize and unpack, but it is coming to an end soon... My goal was to be done by July- not too far off- I will be done by the end of this month.... Pictures to come when it is all done

Crazy dust storm tonight- the biggest they said in perhaps10 years..... glad I wasn't driving in it! The grill has a 2 inch layer of dust on it- and so we will have to hose everything down...... had to go into work today..... it wasn't bad, but I didn't get home until after 6 pm I am so happy to home the rest of the week working..... here are some random pics


Granny Gus said...

wiped a layer of clay dust off patio furniture/golf cart this AM .... congrats on gettin' it done!

lattegram said...

I dread that.