Sunday, May 13, 2012

Well well well,    it sure has been months since my last post........  I have not put much time or thought into this blog and have neglected it big time!   I have decided to start posting again since I have heard that this was being checked, but no updates..... ;(    

Many of my peeps are not on Facebook, so they do not get to see pics of the boys or hear the latest news, even if it is just meaningless jabber.....  When I am on the computer, I have been using my limited time on Facebook, checking mail, and not much else....  It doesn't help that the computer I am using is a dinosaur, but soon that will change...

So here we are, and I see the last post was in January...Wow, what has happened lately??  Well, the boys are growing fast- J is almost done with 1st grade and O tested for kindergarten, early entry, and he passed and will be going to kindergarten!!!   I think he is ready, and he only misses the cut off day by 5 days or so.....  He is excited to go to the same school as J.  
We have been finishing up the school year, only 9 more days for J and then summer vacation for him.

I have not been taking as much pictures as I would want, but will soon be working 4 days a week and have big plans for the 1 day to myself!   I am hoping it will free up some time, and get some things done around here, appts., and then fun crafty time!    I am so thrilled to be working 4 days, and will be having Wednesdays off, so I technically, I do not have to work more than 2 days in a row.....
I have been working a concentrated effort to get healthy, by hiking and eating better.  I have lost 17 lbs thus far, but I know for me, I need to exercise and still have a big long term goal, but short term goals first, one day at a time!  I just put on a pair of jean capris I could not zip or button, so that is always motivating!  I have been hiking here and there, I just need to get my ass out of bed in the morning, now that it is beginning to get too hot to hike in the afternoon...... I am not really a morning person, but this has been acquired over the years......
So here it goes, check back frequently, I will be adding more regular posts and pics!!


Granny Gus said...

Happy Mother's Day Pam .... what a fantastic update .... so many good news items ....makes my heart happy to hear, kisses .... enjoy this new passagein your busy family routine :)

lattegram said...

Love seeing the new pictures. Like the one in the roses. Will be checking your blog often.