Sunday, October 26, 2014

Changes.....self care.....slowing down

lately things have been is time to slow down.....take care of myself...more hiking, bike riding and taking care of my kids, more quality time with them and R.   Now that, hopefully, the heat is breaking...the time is to get outdoors, purge/organize the neglected garage, get the kids in outdoor activities all while not having specific timelines, but being efficient......this may not make sense, but it is a balance between having fun and getting things accomplished.    Lately it has been  a tornado of demands, tasks and not really enjoying  it and not being too productive!

I'm ready for changes

Rob made peach granola french toast this morn....this was yummy!
I am backlogged with magazines and the 1st book of A Discovery of Witches trilogy library book.....

Before the a/c died...I got my 3 foot work table out and my rolling cart and was planning on doing the Project Life scrapbooking....but now with the portable a/c unit..this will have to wait.  I'm needing to get my photos in albums and current....soon I will get to this

1 comment:

Granny Gus said...

Take only today P, make the most of this glorious day, the french toast looks yummo :)