Sunday, July 4, 2010

well, we are in the middle of unpacking, but we also have to add in a little fun

where we live, they have a playground for kids on the grounds of the complex- we took the kids there to check it out
then, of course, we had to check out our old house- it looks pretty much the same- the palm on the side of the house was removed- and solar lights were added to the sidewalk- it was such a nice first home
then- R and I took the kids to In and Out Burger- they weren't that impressed, I guess because it isn't McDonalds- but hey, we love it!

Today, we went to the pool here- the kids had fun- it has a sand beach and the kids can walk into it like the ocean
Now, I guess I have to get back to the unpacking- still not quite finished.....


lattegram said...

Great pictures. Send me some. Looks like a nice pool.

Paula said...

WOW!! I think I would be at that pool everyday with or without the kids!! Forget grocery shopping, laundry or cleaning the house! Have fun!!